Release & Renew Guided Meditation
This is a guided mediation to help release feelings and beliefs you no longer wish to hold. It is my hope that you will use this meditation to recognize you are strong and resilient.
The Potential Frequency – A Short Narrative
The Potential Frequency – The Manifestation Frequency. As individuals we must stand up and take notice. We have to address our beliefs, known and hidden, in order to step into the potential and manifest. This a simple reminder of how magnificent you really are. How magnificent we all are. Hope you enjoy. Music: Farewell by MaxKo Music
Public, Private, and Shadow Self – An impromptu discussion
There is our public side that we show the world. Then there is our private side that we keep mostly hidden. This is the part where our doubts, fears, and skeletons mostly reside. What would happen if we allowed more people to see the totality of us? I don’t mean go shout it from the roof, just taking steps to open up a bit more and be a little more authentic. This is an impromptu discussion that Lindalee and I had to share with you. I found that there is a part of me that I hide for fear of being judged (if I am honest with you).
Starting with YOU
It starts with YOU. A feeling of something missing, something lacking. A thought that there has to be more to this than what “I” am currently experiencing. Within those thoughts and those feelings we find a desire to be more, want more, and feel more.
What is Surrender?
What is Surrender? How do we surrender? Is it a sign a weakness or a acquiescence? Life is unexpected at times how do you handle it? We discuss surrender and ways we handle life’s stresses. We both have different methods that work for us individually.
Our Spin on Forgiveness
What is forgiveness to us? How we approach it? What are the ramifications of not forgiving? How do you stay in a state of grace when you feel you have been wronged? How can misinterpretations (misunderstandings) and our perspective lead us astray from time to time? All are aspects of forgiveness, and how we approach it as a couple and individually.
Handling Life As Best We Can
It has been a rocky start to 2022. How we have dealt with both having Covid and the passing of my father from cancer. While you never know what will come there are practices that help us find a balance with each other and life.