It starts with YOU. A feeling of something missing, something lacking. A thought that there has to be more to this than what “I” am currently experiencing. Within those thoughts and those feelings we find a desire to be more, want more, and feel more.
Yet we also find trepidation and resistance manifesting in various manners of inner dialog and outer actions. A fear that changing will lead to even worse results that we currently are experiencing.
A desire to change without a supporting framework to sustain it or guide it is self-delusion. When you look closer you will find self sabotage within your actions. You may want to change, but your belief system, those subconscious patterns that have been formed over decades, correlate to a primal level of survival. These beliefs sustain the status quo, the “just enough.”
And so the struggle continues. The emotional roller coaster of desire and want, kept in check by embedded beliefs that I don’t deserve it and/or I am not enough. It is a real conflict that affects each and everyone of us at some level.
So, how do you change? We all have a threshold. A point in our existence where we say enough is enough. This threshold is different and unique for each of us. Much like an alcoholic or an addict that finds recovery. For some it is a “hard stop,” a single event or consequence that happens, but for many it is repeated back and forth, this time will be different, I will change, they will change, the situation is going to get better.
Insanity within the walls of Alcoholics Anonymous is defined as trying the same thing over and over again, looking for different results.
Is not our desire to be whole and fulfilled similar in nature. We intuitively know there is more to this existence. We see it from time to time in publications, documentaries, and elsewhere. Why is it so difficult to grasp?
The simple answer is fear. Our lives are complex, nuanced, and layered with emotions, perception, and our individual interpretation of the world. In order to cross our threshold we have to ask why, then why, then why, then why. We have to unpack the layers to get the core. And at the core is where you will find some aspect of fear, and that is what keeps us trapped.
There is a small percentage who sense an agitation or instability in their life and create change. They have an incident or consequence that creates their “hard stop.” The majority however start and stop, sputter and stall unsure what to do and how to do it. They have read books and attended workshops and seminars to no avail. What is the missing part? Most often it is a personal guide or a coach.
Guides and Coaches are like a set of training wheels for a child learning to ride a bike. They are there to support you and keep you stable as you create a new balance and gain your confidence. They are sounding boards and create accountability for you.
If you are ready to cross your threshold and start a journey towards fulfilling your innermost desires and wants, but are unsure of the next step, maybe we can have a conversation. Lindalee and I have created a framework that guides and supports you through this change that allows you to attain those deepest desires.
In finding our own peace and strength within we are able to truly support ourselves, our relationships, our businesses, and the world. Thus is the purpose behind, Better Me, Better We.