We often never know how we affect someone’s life. This is not a science lesson so please stay with me through the first paragraph. You know how they say a butterflies’ wings can be felt around the world? It’s our interpretation of what Edward Lorenz, the man who coined the term “Butterfly Effect” means when a 0.1% difference was inadvertently used while he was working on his theory of chaos. To make it more clear he shortened the variable he was using from .506127 to .506 in a computer simulation of weather patterns and the predictions came out completely different.
For me, it’s a hard concept to grasp- that teeny, little nuance can make such a massive difference. But I witnessed the flow of air from a hummingbird at my feeder today- 3 times, because sometimes I need the extra nudge to know when something is a lesson! The first time I was wondering why the long leaf of my spike plant was moving. The second time I made the connection to the hummingbird and was so surprised that that little, teeny bird’s wings could move something two feet away.
The 3rd time made me contemplate and think about the “Butterfly Effect” and the ripple of impact(ROI) of our small actions, deeds, and even our thoughts.
People often say that there’s nothing they can do to change the world. I challenge that.
It’s been documented that witnessing a random act of kindness can inspire the witness to act in kind. We have the capacity to make the world a better place. A kind word, using someone’s name, eye contact with a smile can all influence and cause a ROI. If we start to practice it daily and also continue to be more mindful, meditate on peace, love, connection; think of the effect that you can have! It’s exciting and full of possibility!
I know there’s a lot of people that say they don’t know how or can’t meditate, and I also challenge that statement or belief. Meditation isn’t about clearing your mind; it’s about becoming present in the moment. Aware of your breath, feeling into a mantra, taking a walk and paying attention to your footsteps and your surroundings. It’s about putting the racing thoughts, living in the future or the past away and being here, now. It can go way deeper than that but that is a start. You can read another article on meditation and mindfulness here.
But for now- What small thing would you be willing to do today to change the world?