Last year at some point, Lindalee and I were sitting around after dinner on a Friday evening flipping through the channel guide for something to entertain us, for whatever reason we settled on a documentary about George Michael. I have never been a George Michael fan although I do remember a couple catchy tunes that I listened to in years past. If I am truthful with myself I would have to say his music did not necessarily align with the image I was looking to portray during this period of my life (read late 80’s early 90’s).
An interesting thing happened over the next couple of hours. I caught a glimpse of a human being in all its earthly manifestations. The decadence and over indulgence, the struggle of self acceptance, the longing just to be loved, depression and isolation, and above all else despite all his shortcomings, there was an uncompromising artistic integrity. A quality I found admirable and pure. Even with the fame and success therein was just another human being struggling with his own inner demons on full display.
To say my opinion changed of George Michael is an understatement. It made me aware of other opinions and bias that I have of others that have crossed through my life either directly or indirectly.
This led me to contemplate what purposes do these prejudices it serve? They appear to be nothing more than intolerances if I am truthful with myself. They appear to be some kind of primitive defense mechanism, but in defense of what I asked myself? Here is where my minor in psychology failed me. Rather than pursuing this down the rabbit hole I decide to just let it lie.
I placed my focus elsewhere. Why was not as important as was just becoming aware. I have come to find in my life that awareness is the precursor to change. The more awareness that I have of a situation the more likely I am to change my behavior if it does not serve me.
With that said I am happy to report that change often comes slow to the dim witted. I now possess the awareness; I am just waiting for the opportunity to change. There has been some progress, and I venture to say some glimpses of enlightenment, but I am human with my own plethora of short comings.
Yet life is patient. It has a way on continuing to provide you with opportunities to change when you stumble upon something pivotal. As long as the awareness sticks around I have hope. After all I like to live by the adage that life is a journey.
I will leave you with something I read on a professor’s door when Lindalee and I were dropping off our daughter at college for her first year. It read, “Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”
Such simple words, yet so profound.
The thought process and personal revelation that occurred with me.