Oh my gosh, how do you manage to keep the ick at bay with all the negative and bad news in the papers and on T.V.? How do you manage to not feel like you aren’t good enough or don’t have a full enough life with all that is shared on social media? Does just reading this have a negative vibe to it? It will get positive, don’t worry. I just want to show you that by altering your perspective just a little you can change the way life comes at you.
First I’ll talk about the news. I quit watching the news. I actually have stopped looking at the weather for the most part too because, my goodness, they do seem to be a little unable to predict it accurately. I think they should ditch the fancy equipment and gather a circle of people with arthritis and other ailments that react to weather and start predicting it that way. But I digress, yes, I quit watching the news. I found myself sangry ( short for sad and angry) and could easily have become a chronic complainer. I decided that that wasn’t how I wanted to Be and the news wasn’t going to change so I had to. I couldn’t escape it though. My clients ask me what I think about so and so and such and such. I respond with a guarded “ Well- I don’t really know about that, tell me a little.” And I try to listen with my non emotional body. I try to respond without giving negative energy to whatever it is. I will try to see a vision for a better scenario. I explain that I am not trying to put my head in the ground but that nothing good comes from the “complaint energy”. In fact it only makes you feel bad. Is there a difference between voicing an observance and complaining? Absolutely. Life isn’t pretty all the time but if we can look at the circumstance with positivity rather than negativity it changes everything. Let’s say for instance, and this is a big one, you don’t like the leader of your country. Can you change it by vehemently retelling all the things they do wrong? Not usually. You can get indignant and work yourself up so that spittle is flying from your lips, or maybe take it down a notch and just get indignant and try to get people in the same simmering pot as you. Or you can take notice and say “I don’t like this, I see it- but I choose to believe some good will come from this. I see why greed, corruption, lies do more harm than good. I will be a better person than them and do what I can to make a difference.” Clarity often comes from seeing and experiencing what we don’t want. As I write this and try to come up with examples to make my point I keep being reminded of how fortunate I am to live in the USA despite it’s misgivings. That my problems are paltry compared to what others may be experiencing, not just here but in other parts of the world. That is positivity, finding gratitude in the darkness. Do I acknowledge the issues here in this country and where I want things to be better and different, absolutely! Do I do it with an air will that lift me up or keep me where I am or do I feed it with negativity and anger and allow it to bring me down? Yuk, just writing that makes me want to delete it. So, again if I don’t like what the current policy is about the environment can I change the way I do things and be more diligent in my life and the choices I make about what I do with recyclable goods, what kind of chemicals I put on the ground, what types of food I buy at the grocery? Yes! If I don’t like that we are divided in our political beliefs, can I try to understand the other side, find the common ground, and go about it with love and compassion in my heart rather than anger and hate? Yes! This world has so much negativity and greed, but guess what, the pendulum swings to the other side and you find hope and generosity. And where it comes to rest is an acknowledgment that through darkness comes clarity, to give thanks that you are hopefully where you want to be but if you aren’t you can make the choice to go there. If in no other way, emotionally.
So now let’s touch on social media. Do you believe that anyone likes to air their dirty laundry in public? No! They want to share the good stuff. Which can create a “Good for you” mentality or “ My life sucks, why can’t I be like that” mentality. I have seen social media start arguments and cause people to withdraw and isolate themselves. I have seen it pull people together and support one another. What a great tool it can be to ask for positive thoughts or prayers for a better outcome. To pull together and lift one up in positivity. It is also a great way to stay connected to people, to renew friendships. Let’s use the same principles as above and apply the negative reaction to a post or use a post to open up a conversation. There have been posts made by friends, strangers, and celebrities that have caused people to bristle. Some react by calling names or belittling tactics, “You idiot, you should keep your mouth shut” some respond by a simple internal statement of understanding and a compassionate response for the pain that that person may be experiencing to cause them to post something pessimistic or cynical with “I’m sorry you are feeling despair, I send you love.” Someone else may say “I’m sorry you are feeling unheard/ cornered/ fearful. Let’s hug it out.” You control how you respond to someone’s fab vacation, accomplishments, announcement- with gratitude for what you do have or jealousy for what they have or do. Which feels better? Let me give you one more example; you have 2 doors to choose to go through. Door #1 is the glass is half full, Door #2 is there’s almost none left. Which would you rather go through? Whichever you choose, will create your reality of happiness or sadness.I hope you choose happiness. When you do everything is better!You physically feel better, you have more energy, more people want to be around you.
I LOVE this quote! I love it because it is a solution and it is empowering.
“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control how you respond to what’s happening.” by unknown
I hope you have a beautiful day!